Succeeding of School Teaching | Teacher Can Do


Ask yourself some of these questions:

  • Are the classes with the regular teachers loud and chaotic?
  • Are large numbers of students roaming the hallway?
  • Are students wearing hats in school? Do students mill around after the bell in the hallway?
  • Do teachers shut their doors during class time?

If the answer to these questions is yes, it is likely you are in a failing school.If a school has a chaotic atmosphere, it is likely that administrators view a substitute as a babysitter. In these failing schools, it is also likely the regular faculty and staff are regarded in the same manner.

Below are some do’s and don’t when subbing in a tough town-center environment:

  • Don’t become emotional – never show anger, frustration or fear.
  • Don’t call administrators for minor behavior infractions, such as talking, not sitting in the proper seat, chewing gum, etc. You will end up getting a bad reputation.
  • Don’t let more than 3 students go to bathroom, nurse etc. during period.
  • Do call administrators if you are sworn at or threatened, students are fighting, or if you encounter a weapon or drugs.
  • Do take attendance…several times.
  • Do list your rules on the blackboard for the class at the beginning of the period.
  • Do bring in an extra assignment – something fun, like a word search.

Some techniques that have proven effective in even the most difficult of environments are listed below:

  • When a student asks to use the lav, ask him or her to ask you in five minutes. When the first student asks to use the lav, or nurse etc., tell him or her that you will let them go, but they must wait for five minutes. This technique is usually effective at controlling the number of students who leave a classroom in a given period.
  • Tell class you only let three people out of the class at the beginning of the class.
  • If possible, read out loud. Don’t rotate reading around room – ask for volunteers.
  • If a teacher leaves a lesson that you feel is inadequate, don’t be afraid to add on to it. For example, your sub plans might say: “ALL CLASSES”. The teacher has spent very little if any time preparing this lesson. Do the lesson with the class, but maybe have a wordsearch or a popular crossword to complete after this assignment is complete. By the way, students will very seldom answer questions out of a textbook. If you are in a class where this is the assignment, don’t be surprised if there is a fair amount of chaos.
  • Remember, it’s not your fault if the students are not doing their work. It is not a reflection on you. Keep calm and professional at all times. You are the leader of the class for that particular day. It takes a lot strength and fortitude, mixed with a great amount of compassion and empathy to teach in an town center school. Do not become discouraged, and have high expectations for ALL students you meet. Students can feel high expectations and will strive to meet them.

Courtesy to : Wikibooks

Indian Education | Statistics

Economic Conditions

Youth (15-24 years) literacy rate (%), 2005-2010*, male 88
Youth (15-24 years) literacy rate (%), 2005-2010*, female 74
Number per 100 population , 2010, mobile phones 61
Number per 100 population , 2010, Internet users 8
Pre-primary school participation, Gross enrolment ratio (%), 2007-2010*, male 53
Pre-primary school participation, Gross enrolment ratio (%), 2007-2010*, female 54
Primary school participation, Gross enrolment ratio (%), 2007-2010*, male
Primary school participation, Gross enrolment ratio (%), 2007-2010*, female
Primary school participation, Net enrolment ratio (%), 2007-2010*, male 97
Primary school participation, Net enrolment ratio (%), 2007-2010*, female 94
Primary school participation, Net attendance ratio (%), 2005-2010*, male 85
Primary school participation, Net attendance ratio (%), 2005-2010*, female 81
Primary school participation, Survival rate to last primary grade (%) , 2006-2009*, admin. data
Primary school participation, Survival rate to last primary grade (%) , 2005-2010*, survey data 95
Secondary school participation, Net enrolment ratio (%), 2007-2010*, male
Secondary school participation, Net enrolment ratio (%), 2007-2010*, female
Secondary school participation, Net attendance ratio (%), 2005-2010*, male 59
Secondary school participation, Net attendance ratio (%), 2005-2010*, female 49

courtesy to:unicef

Teaching is a life time mission | Dr. APJ AbdulKalam (Speech)


                               To enable development of youth first and foremost, the teacher?s love for teaching is essential, with teaching as the soul of the teacher. The teacher must realize that they are responsible for shaping not just students but ignited youth who are the most powerful resource under the earth, on the earth and above the earth. With their full commitment to the great mission of teaching, the teacher transforms himself or herself as a great teacher only when he or she is capable of elevating the average student to high performance. The teacher conducting himself or herself in a noble way itself is a lifetime message for students. They should encourage the students and children to ask questions and develop the spirit of enquiry, so that they blossom into creative enlightened citizens. They should treat all the students equally and should not support any differentiation on account of religion, community or language and continuously upgrade the capacities in teaching so that they can impart quality education to the students. They should realize by being a teacher, they are making an important contribution to the efforts of national development. The teachers must constantly endeavour to fill their mind, with great thoughts and spread the nobility in thinking and action among the students. Teacher should celebrate the success of the students.

By, Dr. APJ Abdulkalam

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